
segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010

The Latin-American Test Workshop 2011

Olá Pessoal,

Acontece nos dias 27-30 de março em Porto de Galinhas (PE) o workshop de testes da America Latina. Sem duvida um ótima oportunidade para conhecer mais sobre a area de testes e o melhor; submeter artigos. Prazo para submeter artigos é 7 de Novembro! Bom Trabalho para todos!!!

Baixar Manual para submeter artigos: CFPLATW2011a.pdf

Segue mais detalhes..

The IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop (LATW) provides an annual forum for test and fault tolerance professionals and technologists from all over the world and in particular from Latin America to present and discuss various aspects of system, board, and component testing and fault-tolerance with design, manufacturing and field considerations in mind. Presented papers are also published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The best papers of the 12th IEEE LATW will be invited to re-submit to the IEEE Design and Test of Computers and Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA).

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Analog Mixed Signal Test
- Automatic Test Generation
- Built-In Self-Test
- Defect-Based Test
- Design and Synthesis for Testability
- Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Design for Reliable Embedded Software
- Design Verification/Validation
- Economics of Test
- Fault Analysis and Diagnosis
- Fault Modeling and Simulation
- Fault-Tolerance in HW/SW
- Fault-Tolerant Architectures
- Memory Test and Repair
- On-Line Testing
- Process Control and Measurements
- Radiation/EMI
- Hardening Techniques
- Software Fault-Tolerance
- Software On-Line Testing
- System-on-Chip Test
- Test Resource Partitioning
- Yield Optimization

Paper Submission Information:
To encourage and facilitate discussions, participation will be limited. Those interested in presenting recent results at the workshop are invited to submit an extended abstract, one to three pages long, or a full length paper. PDF electronic submissions should be done via the workshop webpage: www.latw.tttc-events.org
Authors should send papers in the IEEE format. Detailed instructions are available at the workshop webpage. The Program Committee also welcomes proposals for panels and special topic sessions.

For additional information, please contact one of the Program Chairs:
Victor Champac, Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica (INAOE) - Mexico: champac@inaoep.mx
Fernanda Kastensmidt, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brazil: fglima@inf.ufrgs.br

Submission Deadline: November 7th, 2010.
Notification of Acceptance: December 12th, 2010.
Camera Ready: January 10th, 2011.

LATW’11 will be held in the Beach of Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. The region of Porto de Galinhas boasts more than 10 miles of white sandy beaches with clear warm water and coconut palms. In little under 5 minutes from the beach, the visitor can relax in a natural pool of crystal clear warm water (average temperature 28°C / 90°F) and photograph small tropical fishes. Just take a jangada (a fishing raft with sail) from the beach in the centre of Porto de Galinhas and visit the natural aquarium formed in the coral reefs. It is only 35 miles (40 minutes by car) from Guararapes International Airport in city of Recife. For the seventh consecutive year, Porto de Galinhas has been voted the best beach destination in Brazil by the magazine Viagem e Turismo (Travel and Tourism).

Mais detalhes direto no site da LATW: http://www.ee.pucrs.br/~sisc/LATW/2011.html

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